Friday, December 2, 2011


Yoga is more than mastering postures and increasing your flexibility and strength.
"The traditional purpose of Yoga, however, has always been to bring about a profound transformation in the person through the transcendence of the ego,
In Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism the word yoga means "spiritual discipline". People often associate yoga with the postures and stances that make up the physical activity of the exercise, but after closer inspection it becomes clear that there are many more aspects of yoga. It is an activity that has been practiced for thousands of years, and it is something that has evolved and changed overtime. Different factions of yoga have developed since its conception.
The exact history and origins of yoga is uncertain; however, there are pieces that have been connected and allow us to make some conclusions. It is known that yoga originated from the East. The earliest signs of yoga appear in ancient Shamanism. Evidence of yoga postures were found on artifacts that date back to 3000 B.C. Evidence of yoga is found in the oldest-existing text, Rig-Veda. Rig-Veda is a composition of hymns. Topics of the Rig-Veda include prayer, divine harmony, and greater being.
"The primary goal of shamanism was to heal members of the community and act as religious mediators,
Yoga originally focused on applying and understanding the world. Its focus later changed to the self. Self-enlightenment became the ultimate goal.
 It was not until the sixth century B.C. that the poses and meditation became a critical element. They were implemented by Buddhist teachings.

Modern yoga

      *      Proper relaxation
*      Proper exercise
*      Proper breathing
*      Proper diet
*      Positive thinking and meditation
Yoga Terms
Many people get scared away from yoga because of the difficult or rather foreign terminology .In  order to get the most out of doing yoga,it is helpful to understand the different terms that are  referenced by yoga instructors and books. Below is a list of the most  used words in yoga and their definitions. All of these definitions were obtained from  The Complete Idiot's Guide to Yoga.

*      Abhinivesha : survival instinct
*      Asanas: postures
*      Bhakti Yoga: it emphasizes the devotion to the divine
*      Chakras: centers of energy located between the base of your spinal column and the crown or your head
*      Dhyana: meditaion
*      Hatha Yoga, Ha: Sun Tha: Moon a type of yoga primarily concerned with mastering control over the physical body as a path to enlightenment
*      Jnana Yoga: it emphasizes questioning and meditation
*      Kriya Yoga: focuses on action and participation in life
*      Mantra Yoga: involves chanting of sounds
*      Om: a syllable that is used as a mantra
*      Padmasana: lotus pose
*      Pingala: a channel on the right side of the spine through which prana moves
*      Prana: soul of the universe
*      Pranayama: breathing exercises
*      Raja Yoga: it focuses on the control of the intellect in order to obtain enlightenment
*      Samadhi: goal of yoga, becoming aware of nothing
*      Tantra: technique
*      Tantra Yoga: made up of different rituals
*      Tapas: self-discipline
*      Upanishads: ancient scriptures of Hindu philosophy that describe the path of Jnana Yoga
*      Yoga: to yoke or join together

*      Yogi: one who practices yoga
*      Vinyasa: grouping of yoga postures that flow together

     Yoga lessons in Sri Lanka
       Yoga is a family of ancient Hindu spiritual practices that originated in India, where it remains a vibrant living tradition and is seen as a means to enlightenment. Our Sri Lanka Yoga Packages are in outstanding locations on Sri Lanka's South & West Coast, conducted by highly qualified Yoga teachers.

Modern yoga is based on five basic principles that were created by swami savanna.

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